Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Big Project by Real Hope for Haiti

I wanted to share another big project that Real Hope for Haiti supports. One of the main environmental problems in Haiti is massive deforestation, due to the production of charcoal which is the primary source of cooking fuel for most Haitians. This is a good slideshow about the topic.

Real Hope for Haiti has a tree nursery and routinely plants trees all over the Cazale area to try to help restore the vital green canopy that has been lost. Here is a video tour done by Lori, and you can find posts about their reforestation project on their blog. Peruse around their blog for all KINDS of info on Haiti and all of RHFH's projects.

UUSC also has a video on their website, "Haiti, One Year Later" that talks about the grassroots projects they have.

Your donations are so appreciated. Give as much as you can, we have until mid-June to try to reach $4000!!! What a feat this would be! :)

Look for another lunch to be held before the end of the church year to raise more money!


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